Oracle EE is quite more expensive than SE, however sometimes you need a standby replica “just in case”.
This is how you get a standby replica on a different server, without breaking any Oracle licensing rules:
1) the following script has to be on both servers. It calls itself on remote.
2) set up a cronjob to launch the script on the primary server.
3) Check the log.
I must say that this script needs some big cleaning and ordering, but it works.
#!/bin/bash +x #joanmarcrieraATgmailDOCcom #TODO:: fix the output processing when DEBUG=1 #TODO:: too many paths that must become variables STB_SERVER=oranode2 #the Standby database server # needs passwordless authentication to user oracle LOG_FILE=/home/oracle/scripts/db_status.log # #load the environment variables . ~/.bash_profile # When debug=1 the scripts must be executed by hand , and most functions will not work as expected. Processing the functions output must be fixed DEBUG=0 # is the local database OK ? function check_status () { [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && echo "DEBUG=check_Status" #expected status "ok=1 ko=0" INSTANCE_STATUS=$(echo "select STATUS from v\$instance; " | sqlplus -S / as sysdba|grep -E "MOUNTED|OPEN"|wc -l ) INSTANCE_ARCHIVER=$(echo "select ARCHIVER from v\$instance; " | sqlplus -S / as sysdba|grep "STARTED"| wc -l) INSTANCE_DB_STATUS=$(echo "select DATABASE_STATUS from v\$instance; " | sqlplus -S / as sysdba|grep "ACTIVE" |wc -l) INSTANCE_ACTIVE_STATE=$(echo "select ACTIVE_STATE from v\$instance; " | sqlplus -S / as sysdba|grep "NORMAL"|wc -l) [[ $INSTANCE_STATUS -eq 1 ]] && [[ $INSTANCE_ARCHIVER -eq 1 ]] && [[ $INSTANCE_DB_STATUS -eq 1 ]] && [[ $INSTANCE_ACTIVE_STATE -eq 1 ]] && echo "STATUS = OK" || echo "STATUS = KO" } #check tns ping . function tnsping_status () { [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && echo "DEBUG=tnsping_status" TNSPING=$(tnsping eypesa|tail -n1 |cut -d' ' -f1 |grep "OK"|wc -l) [[ $TNSPING -eq 1 ]] && echo "STATUS = OK" || echo "STATUS = KO" } # get value for logcount on local database (open mode) function archive_log_count () { [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && echo "DEBUG=archive_log_count" #don't return current, because is not finished. so return the last already switched. #select max(SEQUENCE#) from V$ARCHIVED_LOG; ARCHIVE_LOG=$(echo "select max(SEQUENCE#) from V\$ARCHIVED_LOG;" |sqlplus -S / as sysdba|tail -n2|head -n1|tr -d ' \t\r\f') echo "LAST = $ARCHIVE_LOG" } #ask database to check for its local logcount (standby mode) function archive_log_count_stb () { #select max(recid) from v$log_history;" ARCHIVE_LOG_STB=$(echo "select max(recid) from v\$log_history;"|sqlplus -S / as sysdba |tail -n2 |head -n1|tr -d ' \t\r\f') echo "LAST_STB = $ARCHIVE_LOG_STB" } #ask for remote logcount (standby mode) function archive_log_count_stb_remote () { ssh $STB_SERVER ~/scripts/ archive_log_stb } #send new archive files to STB_SERVER function send_files () { #seq 452 $(expr 454 - 1) FROM_FILE=$(ssh $STB_SERVER ~/scripts/ archive_log_stb |cut -d'=' -f2) TO_FILE=$(~/scripts/ archive_log |cut -d'=' -f2) [[ $FROM_FILE -eq $TO_FILE ]] && echo "SAME STATUS ON BOTH SIDES. " && exit 0 #files to send FROM TO -1 for FILE in $(seq $FROM_FILE $TO_FILE) do rsync -v /u01/eypesa/ORADATA/DB_ARCHIVE/1_${FILE}_* $STB_SERVER:/u01/eypesa/ORADATA/DB_ARCHIVE done } #set remote database to recover automatically with archive logs already sent function recover_standby_remote () { #start recovery on standby ssh $STB_SERVER ~/scripts/ recover_local_standby } #recover with local archive logs function recover_standby_local () { sqlplus -S / as sysdba @/home/oracle/scripts/recover_standby_database.sql } #switch logfile (debug purposes) function switch_local () { echo "alter system switch logfile;" |sqlplus -S / as sysdba } #delete old archive log files, this is used on STB_DATABASE because it does not have rman to clean it. function clean_old_files_remote () { ssh $STB_SERVER "find /u01/eypesa/ORADATA/DB_ARCHIVE -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;" } #procedure when launched by cron. function cron_mode () { exec 1>> $LOG_FILE exec 2>> $LOG_FILE echo "CRON EXECUTION : $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" #check status check_status tnsping_status archive_log_count archive_log_count_stb_remote #send files send_files #recover recover_standby_remote clean_old_files_remote echo "###### END CRON EXECUTION : $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" } case $1 in status) check_status ;; tnsping) tnsping_status ;; archive_log) archive_log_count ;; archive_log_stb) archive_log_count_stb ;; send_files) send_files ;; recover_remote_standby) recover_standby_remote ;; recover_local_standby) recover_standby_local ;; switch_logfile_local) switch_local ;; cron_mode) cron_mode ;; check_all) check_status tnsping_status archive_log_count archive_log_stb ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {cron_mode|status|tnsping|archive_log|archive_log_stb|send_files|recover_remote_standby|recover_local_standby|switch_logfile_local|check_all}" exit 1 esac